Friday, July 04, 2008


It is the eve of Shervin, my son, leaving for Europe to see his Uncle and sail away. I will tell you more about this later. When I was reflecting on this I was seeing a part of my life changing as he is now turning 18 as well. At the same time I was reflecting on loss, and the loss some of my dear friends have experienced when they lost their children. This poem came to me as I was driving home from an activity.


Oh my dear one
Why did you go
How I miss you
If only you did know

How I think of you
Day and night
Almost seeing you
Just out of sight

Sometimes I wonder
How would it be
to laugh again
cry again
your head against me

to hold you again
I do yearn
The desire is strong
Within me it doth burn

Oh mother, oh father
Dearest of all
If only you could know
Where I did go
It is all you have said, and more
One day you too,
Will walk through that door
For now though know
That I am praying for you
As you pray for me
Each looking out for the other
Striving to our destiny

I am with you each and every day
And you can be with me in a way
For when you long with me to be
Close your eyes and you will see
In our dreams we will be together
And soon it will be forever
-Shiidon, July 2008


Blogger Aniela said...

Bravo to the angel, Shiidon! Encore!!!!!
Best of wishes to the young strapping sailor who is off to Belgium.
Love and more love,

3:39 PM  

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