Sunday, July 06, 2008



Giving and sharing
Reaching and caring
Many a soul
was reached this day
over and again
it did go this way

As the day draws
To a close
And I find myself
As one who knows
That a cost doth come
From giving so much
Finding with myself
So out of touch

And with a sigh
It comes to be
How Empty am i
The cost to me

Who will give to me?
I look around
The reality is
None can be found

By and large
It comes to be
The place of recharge
Is before me
When we turn our face
To that Higher Place
And open ourselves
To His grace
We find ourselves
Filling with love
From that glorious place
Found above

And again it comes to be
That more is needed of me
And again I give
For this is what I live
And with great care
With all I share
Of me
-Shiidon, July 2008

There are fifty youth, my kids included, at the Granger Youth Intensive. It is two weeks of fun and study of books that are designed to polish these "gems of inestimable value." While it is true that this poem is somewhat of a self reflection, it is also true for so many of the others that are there sacrificing their time, resources and energy to the education and development of these beautiful youth. One particular soul has been , as usual, working tirelessly with these youth. I mentioned to them how much I appreciated their efforts. I also pointed out how each one of these fifty youth would eventually be at a place in their lives were they would reach out to the youth in their day and share the way that this person did. Mind you, every adult and parent that is involved is as important to this growth. This poem is for all these giving souls. What a joy it is to see so much unity and love. I can't wait to see them all again this Wednesday for the Holy Day observance.


Blogger Susan said...

What a beautiful tribute to those selfless souls and the youth they are nurturing.

5:35 AM  

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