Sunday, July 06, 2008



Ti's high noon
On a midsummer day
Everywhere reached
By the suns ray
Heating all
it finds in its way
baking the ground
into clay

yet in the stillness of heat
the signs of life replete
Birds in the air
Cows under the tree
Insects wherever
The eye can see

In this season of light
chasing away night
There is much to be found
That brings delight

The cloud that brings rain
The tree covered lane
The richness of nature
In its domain

The spirits uplifted
The verve of life
Of sorrows sifted
The time
when heart and mind
upon the breezes drifted
airing out and
from darkness lifted

Thankful in
the heat and sun
of these gifts
that hath begun
to bring us ease
from troubles released
bringing upon all
a calming peace
-Shiidon, July 2008

Walking 6.5 miles at temperatures of 103 degrees can be daunting. However, creative thoughts can still be inspired by what is taken in on such walks. This poem came to me on such a walk. Most of my life has been living in the tropics, sub tropics or the south of the United States. Summers for me are always a memory of intense heat. While Summer may not be as intense for many who read this, the freedom of spirit and what evokes ease of heart and mind knows no geographic boundery. As I have probably mentioned before, as I get older, time goes by faster. This means that the heat comes and goes much faster than it did when I was young. While Fall ushers in Winter as Spring does Summer, there is a settled peace and ease that comes with summer.


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