The Sunflower
It was a beautiful day, breakfast was good and now Luis was helping his mother with the dishes. There was still a bit of time before he had to go to his children’s class. Luis and his family lived in a small house surrounded by large fields. He would walk past the flowers and vegetables on his way to school every day. Today Luis had a question for his mother. It had been in his mind all week, but now that his classes would start soon he needed to ask his question.
“Mama,” Luis said
“Yes dear,” responded his mother.
“We started to memorize a prayer last week,” he said, “and I have a question.”
“What is your question little one,” answered his mother.
“Why do we pray?” said Luis a bit timidly. “I mean,” he added quickly, “I talk to God but He does not answer me.”
His mother thought for a moment as she was cleaning. She looked out the kitchen window to the fields and then, after a moment said “Luis,” she said, “what can you tell me about those flowers in the field?”
“They are sunflowers mama,” responded Luis.
“What is special about them?,” she asked.
He thought for a moment and then responded, “They turn towards the sun all day long.”
“Very good Hijo,” she said.
“Do you know why they turn to the sun?” she asked.
Luis was remembering how the sunflowers would be pointed at one direction when he would go to school but that on the way home they would be pointed in another direction. He thought of this for a moment and then answered his mother.
“So that the light will help them grow.”
It was at this point that his mother went quiet and busied herself. Luis knew that she wanted to give him time to think of what he just said and what it meant. After a little pause his mother dried her hands and sat at the table. She gestured to Luis who came and sat in her lap.
“Little one,” she said, “we are like the sunflowers and the sun is like God. To grow we need the sun. The sun shines all the time but it reaches the sunflowers mostly when they turn towards the sun. All they have to do is keep towards the sun and they will grow. We turn towards God by praying and reading His writings. God still shines His love and Blessings to all of His creation, but it is our turning to Him that allows us to grow more fully. Recognition came to Luis’s eyes and his mother tousled his hair.
“Time to go to your class,” she said.
Luis jumped down to the floor and hurried off to get his books. He could not wait to go to his class and share with them what he had just learned.
As he rushed down the hall his mother looked at him and then the flowers and smiled contently.
-Shiidon, November 22, 2008