Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Path of my Life


The very essence
The heart of my being
Is to give
All I can
For however long
I’m destined to live

I hope so little
For any to return
That I remain closed
Lest my heart
Is crushed and burned
In that glimmer of weakness
When I let go
I do not know
What will show

Many a path
I do take
Many a risk
I do make
Many a life
I have lived
Though t’is all in vain
For within my mind
Do they remain
And I push them aside
To stay sane

Remembering my efforts to serve
I reach deep down
And do not swerve
Even when misunderstood
When pride and vainglory
Are so shallowly seen
By those who deep down
Do not see

Step by step
I move on
And nary a thought
Of turning around
I plow forth
With dragging feet
As the weight of self
Doth bear down
As I struggle
To let go
And with faster pace
My desire doth show
Take all I have
T’is not for me
For in the end
With joyous heart
Having done my part
I will be free

-Shiidon, December 2014


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