Sunday, May 02, 2010




Is so hard to find

Elusive when

I search my mind

When I think of those I know

I pray for happiness

In their lives to show

It’s at these moments

That I ignore self

And put my own hopes

On the shelf

I truly would give

All I am

So that happily

Others may live

Smiles come to me

When I see

Things for others

Go smoothly

Can we truly be glad

When any other soul

Is sad

Can we happiness

To them add

Self focus leads us astray

And allows this disparity

To hold it’s sway

Oh how I long

For that future day

When happiness for all

Is the way

Happiness comes

From many a source

Depending at times

Upon our course

Of sorrows I’ve caused

I hold remorse

To be a source of joy

To those all around

Is the true joy found

And in doing so

The bounties abound

So, when others have

And I am lacking

They have my complete backing

For my happiness

This is my source

And truly becomes

My driving force

I am enthralled

By service to all

The happiness that

Upon others befall

This to unity

Brings us one step nearer

And the grander vision

Becomes clearer

And to each other

We become dearer

-Shiidon, May 2010

Well, obsessed am I., as Yoda would say. I had a relaxing day and did not write one poem. Then about one in the morning I was going to bed, i reached out to turn off the light and realized that I would not be able to sleep until these words found their home on the page.

Well, I fell asleep at my computer after writing the above. To explain happiness, I will explain attraction. As day to day people we are attracted, repulsed and indifferent towards others. There is an excessive amount of attention paid to the attraction aspect of things. I have found that there is a bigger picture out there when you start finding the beauty in everyone, man, woman, elders, children and so on. It elevates ones energy to a higher plane than this one. I find a beauty in this, not that I remember to do this all the time. The same is true for happiness. You watch a movie and say "why can't I have that" or some other form of want. However, if you look at others and see their happiness, you can choose to revel in their joy. In this way, there is an inner peace rather than a want. In turn, you can become truly happy in the happiness of others. My mother recently was speaking to me about the trials and tribulations in my life. I comforted her by telling her that I am truly happy. I don't see my life through that lens. I see, and choose to see, the joys that surround me. It is almost impossible to not be happy in the happiness of others. And the greatest joy, is when we can bring happiness to others.


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