Saturday, April 24, 2010

Buoyant Skies


I Take a deep breath

And close my eyes

Floating in air

Without care

Of the mundane


Peace settles in

And makes it’s home

Of this I’m sure

My countenance

Hath shown

Oh how I long to be

In this realm

For eternity

Troubles are banned

Nothings planned

On the wings of joy

I float this day


In an endless way

I think this

Is what’s meant to be

In the realm of eternity

For you and me

Of this too soon

We shall see

In two worlds we clearly stand

The troubled one at hand

And the other beyond

And grand

The more we overcome

In the world of dust

The higher we’ll fly

In the other realm

I trust

The more we face

In this place

And in time overcome

The stronger our other

Wings become

So with welcome spirit

I embrace my fate

And face my challenges

With an accepting state

Though the pain

It doth not negate

I look forward

To that day

When I can fly away

This world no longer

Holding sway

And I can there

Forever stay

-Shiidon, April 2010

I have mentioned here several times that I feel as if I am in two different worlds at the same time. I look down at what I do as if it is a movie and wonder how I will think about my thoughts and actions when it is time to face my life. Of course I do not know what will happen when we go on to the other world, however, it would seem that we would need to account for what we do and do not do in this, the world of dust. At the same time, we are material beings and have the unavoidable needs required to sustain ourselves and society. Many a time we neglect the eternal for the fleeting baubles of this realm. I still feel that there is so much to live for and another life out there for me. As much as I long to be in the Abhá, I am looking forward to service and happiness in this world. I dwell on those that have moved on. I think of my friends Corky and Clair. I think of my family and others. Some, like dear Aram, I met only once but have impacted my life in a profound way. I think of him often. These are souls that are flying high in those eternal skies that we hope to glimpse when we close our eyes to sleep. So, dear reader, we may or may not fly together in this world, but certainly in the next.


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