Sunday, April 25, 2010



She has danced through life

Bringing joy to all

Arising when she heard

The clarion call

Serving selflessly



Serving the young

Without tire

A spirit and demeanor

Most would admire

Setting an example

For the young to aspire

From time to time

A thought would come

With whom would

She be one


Then one day

In his own special way

The stargazer came

To play

The advance guard

Of a great clan

The horizon of life

He would scan

Solid and resolute

A sense of reasoning

Caring, yet astute

A strength of character

No one would dispute


Then one day

It came to be

They came together as one

The stargazer and padawan

And a new life together begun

Under the evening sun

Already admired

Each on their own

Together more brightly

Their light hath shown

And together already

They have grown

The young, they hold so dear

With hearts sincere

And continue to serve

Without reserve

Those admiring souls

The life ahead

They will firmly tread

Not a life material

But spiritual instead

Their union will last

Of this I am certain

Across this stage

There’s no

Closing curtain

They walk now together

For what was meant to be


For eternity

-Shiidon, April 2010

Last night I attended the wedding of two dear friends. I have known Jessica since she was an infant and Miles since he was fifteen. However, I did attend the wedding of Miles parents so, I have known the family for decades. In the Bahá'í Faith there is no clergy. All that we need to do when we want to be married is to get parental consent, the couple have to consent and the vow: "We shall all verily abide by the will of God." in front of two witnesses of our choosing. Jess and Miles asked me to Emcee their wedding (that is what they came up with). I welcomed everyone and prior to them coming down the aisle, so to speak, I read to them this poem which I wrote for them. Jessica saw my shirt (customer made when I lived in China) at the rehearsal and lets just say I ended up wearing it. What is funny about the shirt is that Jessica is an avid Start Wars fan (though she admittedly thinks the new Star Trek movie was awesome) and therefore there were hints of Star Wars in the wedding. One such hint was the illusion of "cutting the cake" with the light saber. She handed it to me so that she could serve and before you know it, I was transformed form dignified, though eclectic garb to Star Wars Jedi Costume in one moment. Hence the photo you see here.

Jessica and Miles are two amazing young people who are dedicated to enhancing the lives of younger people and service to humanity. They are wonderful souls from two, now one, wonderful families. It was a joyous wedding and much happiness flowed throughout those attending. The word Imzadi is a Star Trek reference to a relationship between two souls as exemplified in the Next Generation between Ryker and Troy. Can you say geek? :-)


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