Thursday, April 29, 2010

Changing State


On the edge of a cliff

The wind is stiff

Preparing for what may be

Through the clouds bellow

I cannot see

t’is time to fall

For I have heard

The clarion call

And it doth demand my all

Below the mists, the unknown

Though soon it will be shown

We fear the changes

That our life rearranges

Even though

The outcomes sought

T’is sometimes so dearly bought

The price we and others pay

Is how we pave our way

And see a newer and greater day

So we hesitate to fall

And trust

Though t’is through His hands

Ourselves are thrust

We linger in the familiar

Fearful of what we leave

And concerned for the bereaved

But those who care

Are truly aware

Of the greater need

That calls indeed

And in their way

They let go

For they know

T’is our way to grow

So here I stand, at the edge

Fulfilling a solemn pledge

Falling forward and through the mist

The gentle urging

Doth persists

I do not resist

-Shiidon, April 2010

As this poem came to me, I found that the theme I was writing on kept being supplanted by another. I was writing primarily about changes and trusting in God's will. But the other thought that kept persisting is the one big change none of us have experienced. It is the change that occurs when we lose our physical form and our awareness returns to the eternal realm, or heaven if you will. Of course there are other ways to interpret a poem, these so happen to be what was in my mind when I wrote this particular poem.


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