Wednesday, April 21, 2010

King of Days


This day, not long ago

A time arrived

A new era

To the world show

Rose petals piled on high

The angels drawing nigh

Tears of joy

As the loved ones cry

Gathered around in celebration

A day in the future

To be honored

by every nation

Love permeated, every soul

The fragrance of flowers

The nightingales extol

Each played their role

The toils of this world

Did lose their sway

As they rejoiced

On that special day

The great announcement

Came forth

A message, of great worth

The signal of a new age

One in which mankind is freed

From its own cage

The day in which

no night shall follow

bringing to all

an era, most hallowed

on that day

the Earth doth shook

transforming those who partook

for an ordinary day

no one mistook

The day of paradise hath arrived

The King of Days is here

A day without peer

Drawing the loved ones near

Hear the nightingale’s song

The attar of rose strong

The sound of the river

Flowing along

Coming forth, His voice

All the loved ones, rejoice

For this day

of Paradise

-Shiidon, April 2010

On this day in 1863, Bahá'u'lláh proclaimed Himself to be the promised one of all ages. He rented a garden in what was the outskirts of Baghdad. The first day of arrival He proclaimed Himself to the family and close friends that were present. The rivers flooded prohibiting anyone from entering or leaving that garden, called Ridván or paradise. On the ninth day, the water subsided permitting more believers to be present. The waters flooded one more time and on the final day, the twelfth day the rest of the believers were able to be present. Following this proclamation, He continued on the next stage of His exile from Baghdad to Constantinople. Bahá'í's the world over celebrate these three days, the first, ninth and twelfth days as three of our Holy Days. The first day of Ridván was called the King of Days by Bahá'u'lláh.


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