Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Glass Cage


I stand this side of glass

Seeing life revolve around, alas

For me, an impasse

Marking time

Forever in line

Living a life benign

In this cage of mine

Who do you see in me

The person others

Want me to be

Or the deeper side

The real me

Am I judged by what I own

Where I live

My car, my home

Can it be so shallow

Considering me so fallow

Is that all to value

What is considered real

Is truly surreal

And the heart of it all

The ethereal

is this why, I walk alone

from shore to shore

home to home

my life, a drone

could it be

there is a fear

of breaking glass

and drawing near

I’ve alone stood

In so many ways


What is it

We take with us

Anything from

This world of dust

Rather what us defines

Is that which comes

From the divine

Which over time

We’ve refined

And when we go home

To that distant shore

We know not what

For us is in store

But in heavenly skies

We will soar

-Shiidon, April 2010

Life is interesting. I look at things from different angles. We look at each other as people and sometimes we see the cover and not the book. We judge and make decisions for the next few and fleeting years and not the eternal. We sacrifice the certainty for temporal security. We see the mistakes in others but not the lessons learned. We see the pain but not the joy. We seem to pick and choose how we see each other based sometimes on the old and arcane way of viewing others. When it comes to great souls in our past, we know not of what they did but the character that marked their souls. Why is it then that we choose to see each other for the wrong things. Sometimes I think I see things in two different worlds. Some would say I have my head in the clouds. I just know that time will tell and I will continue to follow the path that I believe is best for service to humanity.


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