Sunday, May 30, 2010



Oh dear angel

So full of life

‘twas but a moment ago

I saw you here

Your never ending smile

Drawing all near

And in remembrance

A room full of tear

If one was to remember

Your legacy

‘twould be the countless souls

That remember thee

And swim in your memory

Countless souls have

Been touched by your grace

By your spirit

And ever smiling face

Time stands till now

When I think of you

Forever youthful

In my mind

Of my mortality

You do remind

I will miss

Your melodic voice

Your radiant soul

Your chosen role

To educate

Those younger than you

And in guiding them

In what to do

This I know

Your charges will grow

And achieve much

And attain such

As a result of

What you did give

Allowing them

A better life to live

I do not question

God’s plan

For quickly over

Is our life span

And then together

We will all be

Swimming, In the sea

Of eternity

-Shiidon, May 2010

A week has not passed since learning of the passing of dear Winnie King. She was 21 years young and so full of life. While natural causes is understandable for one who has spent scores of years in this realm, for a 21 year old it is hard to understand. Memories of her are so fresh in my mind. I have thought of her off and on over the week and I have gone from smiling to crying like a roller coaster. Most of the time that I was with her, she was occupied with other youth or with the children that were so dear to her. There was once, however, that we had some quality time together. It was at an event at the Sobhani ranch in Granger. Winnie and I were cooking together. I was so impressed by her qualities and how she carried herself. She was confident, yet eager to learn. She was joyous but also shared joy with all. I can't remember a time when she was not smiling or peaceful in her demeanor.

Winnie is loved by many. While she will be missed by all, she will live in our hearts, forever youthful, forever smiling.


Blogger Hopeful Mom said...

What a beautiful poem! Thank you for painting this picture with words Shiidon. Winnie was so full of Wisdom .Joy . Subtle humor.Winnie was so detached! She was graceful.And I took that for granted..because I thought she would always be there. Truely missed by her brothers especially Shoghi. Winnie share your qualities with Shoghi and give him strength to carry on what you had started for he needs you to hold his hand and tell him, it is ok. I am here with you and I pray for you. As a mother, when I see your friends, now all thirty I now that you would not be 21 anymore but a beautiful loving and mature thirty year old, maybe a professor or a nurse practitioner or a psychologist, or even a pediatrician...remember our little conversation which led you to changing your major? And when you told me over the phone, we danced with joy and decided to keep it a secret until when you graduated? Mmmh what a shocker?I miss you soo much.In a house of boys only!Guess what? Your brother Brian came after you Left. You two had plans but he missed you by a few montbs. He is doing fine..just about to close on his first house. Hold his hand and keep him focused. I pray he serves Baha"u"llah! As for me, I have learned to
Live without you. I know that you are always with me. I see signs of your love and presence. And I love those subtle signs.I am now a nurse but still trying to even advance. Hold my hand.pray for me.I pray for you. I love you! I miss you.Always in my heart.From your "mom".

6:40 AM  

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