Sunday, November 07, 2010



I hold this flower

In my hand

Delicate, beautiful

So simple, yet grand

White as snow

Small and bright

Pleasing to the sight

In any light

Day or night

What of its smell

There is much to tell

It permeates all

Who near it dwell

It transports ones heart

To other worlds

And a sense of joy

Doth it impart

I wish there was something

I could give back

But that dear flower

In nothing doth lack

This little flower I hold dear

And long to be near

To me

Hath no peer

-Shiidon, November 2010

While I love roses, my favorite scent is that of jasmine. I enjoy flowers but that little white flower has a power over me. I relish in it. Above my kitchen sink is a small window with a shelf looking out with glass where I have placed two plants, one of them a jasmine plant. The photo here is the outside of my bedroom. There is a small private space between the garage and the house. My neighbor put up a fence and grew some lovely vines that come over and greet me every morning when I open my curtains. The sound of small birds was incessant today. The green was everywhere. It was quite peaceful.


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