Monday, December 27, 2010

Bahar Khadem


I sat and watched

That fateful night

When I last saw you

In my sight

I did not know

How soon you’d go

Or how that moment

Would stay with me

That night you were set free

With radiance, you did glow

T’was of the spirit, for sure

But upon your visage did show

A beauty, I doth rarely know

Surrounded where you by love

Both here

And from those above

Between two worlds

You were that night

I will never forget that sight

One could say

The love given you

Both night and day

Is an example of

A life well lived

But I say tis more

That you did give

You’ve left behind

Four souls and more

For us to remind

For us to see

Your legacy

These dear souls devout

Doth live and give

The world throughout

They shower kindness

Upon all

Of your lessons

I’m sure they recall

What words can express

My thanks to you

For all the kindness and service

You did do

You are now at peace

And though the pain

Through absence increase

Love and prayers for you

Will never cease

You are loved

-Shiidon, December 2010

A little background. I skipped two grades, went to three high schools and by the time I graduated went to eleven schools. This does not speak for stability. Amin is the longest friendship I have had, from age 3 to now. His mother is one of the first people I remember and his uncle is one of my dearest friends and the person I work for. This poem is about his grandmother and the mother of Kamran and Jila. She was a kind soul. She would come to visit and would always go out of the way to thank me for my friendship with Kamran. She would always say how I was like a son to her and how happy she was that we worked together, like two brothers.

As she aged the last year or so I did not get to see her much if at all. I would always ask Kamran how she was and to give her a kiss for me. This last week Kamran started to spend all day with her while I ran the shop. I remember driving home from a meeting and thinking about seeing her. Kamran said to not worry, however, I found that I could not drive home without being there. I went to the home and spent time with the family prayer for her and visiting while she lay in bed on what was to be her final nights on this earth. I went again the next night. This was to be her last night with us in this world. I remember kissing her forehead and speaking to her ear before leaving for the last time.

What words can describe what I experienced. I looked upon the face of a person well nigh 90 years old. yet all I saw was a radiant and beautiful being. A soul at peace and one that was ready to go. Her beloved children and family spoke to her, prayed to her and did all they could to ease her passing to the next world. It seemed however, that the glow we saw in her was almost a symbol of her already being on the way to that next plain of life. This family is my family. This loss was my loss as well. The love that I witnessed was one that I will not forget.

The funeral was this past Sunday. It was well attended and the memorial was a joyous celebration of her life. While we wept tears of separation, one could not but help know that she was now at peace and praying for our souls to progress just as we pray for hers.


Blogger Susan said...

A beautifully loving tribute, Shiidon. Thank you.

6:39 AM  

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