Thursday, December 09, 2010

Fifty Years of Service


T’was fifty year ago
These two first
Did each other know
And from distant lands
They chose to join hands
And together did they grow

Three souls they brought this earth
Raising them in value
Teaching true worth

Countless souls the world around
Have come to know
Their love abound

The legacy they leave behind
Is unconditional love
And of the higher nature remind

The love from others
Is beyond description
The attitude of gratitude
With no restriction

To grow in their shadow
Is no small task
Though within their love
I do bask

Their dedication and sacrifice
To mankind
Are deeds not words
Through their actions we find
-Shiidon, November 2010

A lot has happened since my last post. I went to California to visit family and attend a wedding for the first of my cousin Ramin's kids, Anisa. The wedding was held on the weekend after Thanksgiving so there were lots of relatives and we were all able to share with each other and celebrate. It was one of these celebrations that inspired this poem. My parents were married 50 years ago in October. We had a special recognition for them on Thanksgiving day. Ashkan put a video together with photos taken from my Facebook page and included a couple of candid statements from my parents. I wrote this poem that week and it was read then as well.

It was great being able to honor these two precious souls for their milestone of 50 years of marriage. To see the love that surrounded them was profound and beautiful. I was so happy that they were shown so much love.


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