Saturday, December 25, 2010

Shores of Beauty


I stand on the shore

Watching as the boats leave

And are no more

I look around

And find myself alone

In solitude

I head home

On and on I wait

Standing still

Anticipating fate

As the hour

Doth grow late

Which path must I tread

Following the familiar

Or the unknown instead

I contemplate

What lies ahead

It seems life around me

Has marched on

And many an opportunity

Slipped by, or gone

It seems all the waiting

For direction is, in vain

Bringing disappointment

As prevalent as

Drops of rain

I could chase the stars and wind

But in truth

I must look within

To be at peace within

Is the place

Where I begin

And my fears to face

What is it

That is expected of me

And where, with whom and how

Should I be

All around

I have found

Others reaching

Their destiny

Step by step

Forward I go

Into the unknown

And certainly through this

I will grow

I head to shore

The horizon I spy

And without

Quite knowing why

I paddle away

Towards a new day

And onto, I know not where

But of this, I am aware

Of this world and its beauty

I truly do care J

-Shiidon, December, 2010

This poem has been bouncing around for some time. It was started last night when John and Jacob came by and visited with me briefly. It was special as I was able to catch up with what was happening with the gang of kids that were here until this past summer. I was both sad and happy, but either way proud that they were moving to Denton and getting an apartment together. It is the start of a new journey for them. It was then that the thought came to me that I was standing on the beach watching these boats leave to who knows where and to face what kind of storms and adventures no one can guess.

I am proud of my now adult children and these young adults that are like son's to me. I will always be grateful for the few years that we had together. It was worth all that it took to keep things going around them as they were learning how to fly from the nest. Now they are flying into the winds of life. Vaya con Dios.

This picture is at John's graduation from High School.


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