Saturday, February 04, 2012

The Hearts Call

Austin Lyric Opera, February 2012


I stand by the window
Watching the world go by
Hands pressed to glass
As my reflection doth cry

The couples strolling
The children at play
Each one enjoying life
In their own special way

I do my best
And truly
To the point of no rest
Yet I can’t help feeling
That I’m alone
And my heart doth roam
For its home

We take our steps
As best as we can
For others, not me
A well-made plan
I take a step
Then wait and see

What I’ve found
In these years gone by
Oneself we must know
Lest with another
We may not grow

So, as I wait
For my destiny
I throw myself
With all I am
In serving others
And His great plan

There lies a peace
Within my heart
That I have done my part
And trust with my all
That one day will be answered
My hearts call
-Shiidon, February 2012

I have been contemplating the following quote:

O SON OF THE WONDROUS VISION! I have breathed within thee a breath of My own Spirit, that thou mayest be My lover.  Why hast thou forsaken Me and sought a beloved other than Me?  -Bahá'u'lláh

The poem would, on the surface, seem to be contradicting this quote but I do not think so.  It is the inspiration.  I have had the blessing to have found much personal growth in the last few months.  It seems that I have moved on to another plateau so to speak.  New challenges and new tests ahead.  In this way life is mirrored by the ever present video game.  We have objectives that we must reach before going to the next level.  It may take us longer than others or less time.  For some of us we "lose a life" and start over.  C'est la vie.  

On another note, I enjoyed the opera last night.  In some ways, as I walked like an island in an ocean of others, I think some of the poems inspiration came to me.  The silhouettes in the windows grabbed me in their anonymity.


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