Friday, August 10, 2012

Lovely Flower


T’is the small things,
That measure up
That slowly, fill our cup

Seemingly small
Yet profoundly tall
These moments in time
That we slowly climb
As we grow
Add to what we know

Each step we take
On this road of life
Brings us knowledge
Through joy or strife

Each person
That enters
Our hearts embrace
Leaves upon our soul
An indelible trace

The joy felt
When closer we dwell
And draw deep
From each other’s well
Learning more
About life lived
And what it means
To another give

I give thanks
And my heart sings
To the joy
That the Creator brings
In the little surprises
That comes our way
As we live our lives
Day by day
The sun, trees and stars
The flower that gives us joy
With its last breath
Its life force bringing peace
As we inhale
Anything man-made
In comparison doth pale
-Shiidon, August 2012

I just finished a walk after a long and arduous week.  It seemed the confirmations came each and every day as the drama that is life unfolded.  In the end the week was one that had peace as its endgame.  The walk I took tonight enforced the inter-connectivity that I feel as I walk and talk to nature.

This picture is of jasmine leaves that fell one day this week in my kitchen window.  They give up of themselves and bring a joy in their life force that we inhale.  I hope it can be said of us that we each give up something of ourselves in the service of others.