Saturday, May 09, 2015

Dancing Hand in Hand


I call out
Every day
As I sit
And devoutly pray

I would not presume
An answer to hear
Nor anything overt
To hold dear
For such is not needed
To know You are near

Yet knowledge alone
Doth not assuage
The pain I bear
As I age

Is much to bear
And each waking moment
I am aware
That I am closer
Each breather I take
And fear atonement
For each mistake

Sorrow and joy
Dance hand in hand
Knowing payment
Is near at hand

Am I worthy
Of the time I’m given
Or have I Thee
Away from me driven
In what manner do I know?
 And in what way doth Thou show?

I know, in my heart
That truly, we are not apart
The signs of you, are everywhere
And tis found, in the love and care
Of those whose hearts, of You are aware

I walk the path, as best as I can
And reach out, as I follow Your plan
And with Your loved ones
Walk hand in hand

-Shiidon, May 2015