Sunday, May 11, 2008


Well, it has been almost a month since my last posting. This is due to many factors. Work schedule, further assimilation of Shahdi into my household, work, the start of my tutoring the students in Iran, a two week teaching campaign for the Bahá'í Faith in the Austin area and on and on.

I have had much thought about this blog and what I am doing with it. It has been a little more than a year since I started posting my poetry and stories on this site. I mark this sadly by the anniversary of the passing of Bob Hutchcraft, that dear soul and Bahá'í teacher. This last post that I did marked some turning point for me. I took a step out into a new world. Up to this point I was always giving thought about what people would say about my poems. This feeling of self doubt is further fueled by the increase in praise that I get from friends and family. In other words, the more positive the feedback, the more I felt was lacking. What has happened now is that I am not worried about what anyone thinks, my heart is out there to see, each paragraph, line and word. I freely share these words with whomever wishes to read them and they may make of it as they will. One could say that I have "a new found freedom" or some other cliche, however, what is my reality is a new found peace. It is so much more peaceful to not wonder or worry about being misunderstood or being unworthy. This is what it is and I am what I am.

This will sound strange to some of you and to others who know me well it is ...well it is me. I am not worried about what people think or if the poems are taken one way or another. I simply write out of love. I love God, I love my Faith, I love mankind and each and everyone in this blessed world. Yes, that means that I love each and every person reading this blog.

Things are getting back to normal for me. Yes there were 18 youth in my two bedroom house last weekend and ten this weekend but still, in my way that is normal. I am not going to change a thing about my blog except to freely post as the words come to me. It may be five times a week or once every few weeks such as this time but I will continue to post.

Write me, don't write me. Enjoy the poems or wonder how could something so bad be allowed on the computer. What I want to say is thank you for the time you take to read a few lines from my heart.


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