Sunday, April 18, 2010



I’ve taken a step

To reach beyond

That place of comfort

Of which I’ve grown fond

Biding time

Waiting in line

Content to wait

Daring fate

But move forward we must

Before t’is too late

How many a journey

Both real and in heart

Must take a first step

For a start

For we must each

Do our part

We fool ourselves

In believing there’s time

But fast approacheth

The real, sublime

Reach out and take a step

Though we ourselves

May feel inept

The freedom

That comes within

Is a glorious place

To begin

The things we once valued

Pass away

And for a time

Lose their sway

With heart racing

We surge ahead

Striving towards

The unknown instead

Oh the joys that will come

What is it I’ll become

Knowing only

From where I’ve come

Can we remember

This feeling inside

Lest we forget

And let things slide

To His will

Do I wish to abide

Do not this

In me deride

For now by choice

I float in air

Leaving behind sorrow, despair

Of greater things

Become aware

And of deeper things

Do I care

Regrets fade away

As I begin

To make my way

The things of dust

Do lose their hold

Pushing me

To be more bold

In the days to come

What you will see

Is not so much

A new me

But what I was

Meant to be

-Shiidon, April 2010

This poem has different meanings to me. It speaks of taking steps, movement and action. It is in taking steps that I believe we find ourselves. It is in deeds not words. It seems many are content to wait and see what happens. It is a life well lived that takes that steps to make things happen. I do believe in Divine guidance. However, if we wait for things to come we have a long wait. For example, I see many people waiting for there to be "heaven on earth" as promised in various scripture. However, do we truly deserve something if we do not strive for it, take action and reach out. How much more satisfying would it be if we actually worked at heaven on earth rather than waiting for God to come to us. I think the same holds true on a personal level. We need to take steps and then be willing to understand that we will make mistakes. We then must take these as lessons and keep moving until we find the right path and then soar in what was meant to be. We shall see.


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