Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eternal Cycles


Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Cycle after cycle

Following natures call

The horizon draws near

And those who are dear

Are fast approaching

The point of no return

Their loss I fear

What is dawning upon me

Is the advance guard

I will among them be

And those who follow

Will look upon me

Steadfast, with certitude

I must be

What lessons we learn

Along the way

No one can say

But prepare us they shall

For our final day

Time speeds up

Troubles swell

Though more swiftly

Do we

Those troubles quell

Lesson upon lesson

Doth come upon me

Each one a chance

To a better self be

I look for purpose

In each situation

Though in time

Many are

Of my own creation

I lament

At time misspent

And welcome

The time given

Through service repent

At times I wonder

Through all I withstand

That someone can

The inner me, understand

Or choose to, with me stand

For the moment

The tempests abate

And I can reflect upon

My present state

And upon my fate

Do I await

The storms will come

And if those before me

Are gone

Twill be upon me

To trod on

And so it goes

On and on

Life’s cycle

Each generation

Following thereupon

-Shiidon, January 2011

Timelessness is fast disappearing for me. We face mortality as we age and come to the understanding that we are not going to be here forever. My parents are fast approaching the middle of their octogenerion years. They have reached that highest level that we reach in this world before we are called into the true world of being. As their generation wings its flight to the hereafter I will find myself with no one in front of me. I am of the next generation. Mind you mortality manifests itself in different ways for each of us. However, it is waves of generations that I am speaking of. I sometimes image lemmings going to a cliff. I am suddenly on the edge and it's my turn. At some point it will be my turn to wing my flight to the worlds to come.

All this has put into sharp relief my appreciation for my family, for my friends both near and far. I appreciate and cherish the hours of conversation that uplift and carry the soul higher. As mentioned before in another post, do not take anything for grated in this life. Do not live a life of regret nor one of missed opportunities. I am trying to live by these words and to serve my fellow man as much as I can.


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