Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Sit in Wonder


I sit in wonder

How is it

That one simple act

Can change everything

“just like that?”

The levels I can climb

When one is kind

To me of super heroes

Doth remind

No obstacle can

In my way stand

All is connected

Strand by strand

Floating in peace

Upon clouds of fleece

My whole being glowing

To all showing

That I am again growing

From this source

I am knowing

The light shines in the dark

Its source is

At first a spark

Which can be as simple

As a small remark

That spark doth wax strong

As it grows and fills

Where it belongs

And gives strength

Where weakness was found

And illuminates whole worlds

So glorious, So profound

Ti's moments like this

That I sit in wonder

And meditate on

How suddenly things

Can be ripped asunder

As fast as a clap of thunder

The enemy is friend

The friend is life

And forgotten

Is the ongoing strife

That sometimes, is life

They say in this place

Is worth being

The heart doth race

As we quicken our pace

And of bitterness and pain

But residual trace

The Higher power to us unknown

Only through each other

Can a trace be shown

What greater reason to live

Than to receive and

To another give

The Creator giving us

Another chance

To relive

-Shiidon, January 2011

This poem came to me this morning. I was just about to get into grading and other tasks when I felt the need to write. Without delay I sat and put these thoughts on paper. I speak to myself from time to time. No, not in an unhealthy way. We all speak to ourselves but when I find myself alone it sometimes helps to be reassured by a voice, even if it is yours. Sort of like pinching yourself to know you are not in a dream. This morning I woke up speaking Persian to myself. I am very amused. Yes, English is my first language. However, regardless of what many Persians think, I am also Iranian as my mother raised me. The other amusing time I had with language was mentioned earlier when I was in four days of delirium and found myself crying out in two languages. Each language had a purpose that I can't explain or understand as I was... well I was delirious. While most of my poems are heartfelt, not all are sorrowful. Once in a while one like this comes to me.


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