Thursday, February 09, 2012

Skies of Paradise


On wings of sacrifice
I long to soar
Going higher
Wanting more

The skies of detachment
Beckon as I strive
This is how
I feel alive

If only I could
Maintain this state
Alas I realize
Tis not my fate

The tendrils of mortality
Reach out
And pull me back
The strength to break free
I do lack

The demands of this world
Cannot be broken
If one thinks otherwise
They are mistaken

The challenge
That  holds true
Is the balance we strike
In what we do

One day
We’ll be free
Of this earthly realm
Where our soul
Will take the helm

Step by step
We draw near
To that realm beyond
Which our souls hold dear

Do not look down
On this world we know
For tis through its tests
We are destined to grow
And the more resilient
Our souls will show
Until we finally
To the eternal do go
-Shiidon, February 9, 2012

This poem reflects my thoughts these past few days.  This year that is unfolding promises to be full of surprises.  We shall see.  I continue to embrace the tests that continue to come to me.  I will face them as I always have, with a smile, at peace with life.


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