Divine Will
As I bow,
before Your Shrine
I must sort
What’s Your will
What’s mine
We seem to think
We know what’s best
Inclined towards comfort
Towards rest
Your will may not
Be what we think
Bringing us
To the very brink
If left to our devices
We would follow
Our self-directed vices
Or we sit idle
As time goes by
Looking ambivalent
Half-hearted, asking why
Year after year
Time marches on
Tear after tear
We don’t move on
We ask for direction
But when it appears
Use deflection
For it seems half-hearted
In our intention
When something appears
To be true
What is it we do?
Attack it anew
Change, is what we fear
For we hold on
To what is dear
Yet what we grasp
Is ephemeral and
Will not long last
We must discern
And in time learn
That a step in the unknown
Is on the path shown
And in time our characters
Doth hone
And the less likely
Out plight bemoan
And in the end
We will have grown
-Shiidon, February 2011
Waiting for change and resisting change at the same time seems to be a common theme. It seems at times that we sit and wait for things to change, or worse yet we get complacent in our current affairs. When we wait for change and don't take steps, change will occur but not necessarily in a way and manner that is best suited for us. When we get complacent we let opportunities, whether it is places, work or people go by and in the end it is our loss. We look for all the reasons why that place/task or person is not right, yet it is all from the familiarity of our comfort zone.
Strive, reach out, dare. Live in the now, not the past. Live in the now, not the future we think is ours. Hopes mean nothing if we don't actively step out of our comfort zone.