It’s been so long Since
We’ve been in touch
Catching up on events, so much
Oh how time goes by
So many years
But we’ll try
We laugh, we cry
And time doth fly
The happiness that persists
As we sit and reminisce
Knows no bounds
As the conversation
Goes round
And the radiant energy abounds
Why is it
We wait so long
Not staying in touch
Is so wrong
I begin to glimpse
The inner you
The person I knew
And so many things new
I see your smile
And within
It doth linger awhile
Of the joy it brings
There is no denial
Back and forth
The words doth flow
The conversation
Doth grow
The more of each other
Doth we know
When people share
Of each other
It strengthens
The bonds
One to the other
The fabric of humanity
Is stronger
By you and me
And of reaching beyond
We shall see
Like a web
We are all connected
Through a higher place
We are directed
And with each bond
We are all affected
One by one
It shall be done
Until the whole
Becomes one
-Shiidon, April 2010
I was speaking with a dear friend I knew in China last night. It has been ten years since we have seen each other and several years since we last spoke. It was a wonderful conversation. We miss out on these conversations and we miss out on forming these connections, or bonds, that unite us together. Person by person we connect to each other, make stronger and stronger bonds and eventually, in generations to come, we will become united as one human family. But, it starts here. One to one. The family. The community and on to the nation and the world. It is the work of generations but we are working towards that goal, voluntarily for some and not for others.